Thank you very much.
Welcome. I'm glad to meet you again.
I'd like you to expand on a number of things. I had the pleasure of sitting down with you for a few minutes a day ago, but I'd like you to explain to the committee the value-added, what happens to the value-added when you add value-added to the fish, and how that affects the quota, and how it affects what amount of pieces or fish that you're about to receive or that you're allocated, and how you feel it should be done. Possibly other sectors in the fishery should be encouraged or something should be done on an equal playing field. If I understand it correctly, you've value-added your fish, and because you've value-added your fish you get fewer pieces. I think it's important the committee hears that.
Also, I understand some species are in trouble. You touched on that slightly in your opening statement, but I'd like you to expand on that because I think the committee needs to hear what you intend to do, or what you will do to help re-establish that species. Of course, that's a great value to the fishery.
Also, I don't believe you mentioned it, but I'd like you to inform the committee as to what difficulties you're having with the sports fishery. We all like sports and this type of thing, but we need to understand what that does to your income and how it affects what you actually make. You're a commercial fisherman, you need to make a living, and it's important the committee and the government understand what takes place when a lot of pieces or allocation goes to the sports fishery.
If you could enlighten the committee on these points, it would be very much appreciated.