We would need to prepare a submission. The submission would express estimates. The estimates that were given last week are the department's estimates of what is required to run a program of 750 core fishing harbours, plus seven new harbours in Nunavut, and to effect divestiture of the harbours that need to be divested within a five-year period of time, a reasonable period of time.
As I said last week, the overall number there--and I'll try not to confuse numbers--is the $20 million continuation. It would be $35 million on top of the $20 million, so that's $55 million a year ongoing; and $82 million is our estimate of the money required to do a divestiture within a five-year period. In the joint study we did with Nunavut, I think the number was about $40.8 million for seven critical ports in Nunavut. These numbers may be changing somewhat, because the construction costs and so on are escalating, but the departmental estimate of what's required would be the same numbers as last week.