It does somewhat, but coming from the part of the world I come from, it seems that organizations such as your own would rather see 20 million seals than see a rebuilding of a cod stock that would sustain a rural way of life. I'm being very honest this afternoon. We wear the impact of all of this and we feel it, when a third or a quarter of our population have to go elsewhere to work and yet we see as many seals as we see about.
I've asked people, why do you care more about seals than you care about human beings? To me, people are obsessed with them. I agree there are a number of factors that have to be addressed. Your bycatch one is very legitimate; your habitat is very legitimate; a recovery plan is very legitimate. But what I can't understand is why there's a resistance to recognizing another factor.
The seal herd is sustainable at 2 million animals, but we now know it's a minimum of 6 million harps, not counting the grey, not counting the other hooded seals and harbour seals. Do you know what I'm saying? Let's all get mature about this and let's include that as a factor and deal with it.