Merci beaucoup, Lucie.
Bonjour, tout le monde. Thank you for asking us to be here.
I will go through the deck as quickly as I can, and we'll be happy to answer questions afterward.
On the presentation, beginning with slide 2, I would just like to give some context as to where we were when we started to undertake the science review.
This began in 2004, and it was initiated to assess the science programs and activities in light of the new departmental strategic objectives and high priorities, and to look at what were some possible changes that we might make to the science program to better support DFO and the federal government policy.
The review helped us to identify key challenges or areas where we might indeed make improvements, and those included that we had a lack of a well-defined priority-setting process; in some cases we felt program delivery was not as efficient as it might have been; there is definitely a need to regenerate the workforce due to retirements and pending attrition; and also, at the time, there were funding pressures with an expanding departmental mandate and emerging priorities. I think the key message here is that the mandate was expanding but the resources were not rising in conjunction with the expanding mandate.
On slide 3 you will see the objective for the DFO science renewal, and this really is that we will have a vibrant aquatic science program based on excellence, as always, that supports and informs DFO on government needs and best serves Canadians.
You will see on slide 4 what we're calling our DFO science framework for the future. As you can see, that framework is comprised of or based on four pillars or guiding principles, and those are: relevance, effectiveness, affordability, and value. I will elaborate on each of those a little more in the coming slides.
On slide 5, in terms of relevance, you may recognize this, basically, as the DFO science program activity architecture. I have to say it was a fairly major undertaking to go from the three business lines, which committee members may remember, those being fisheries and oceans science, environmental science, and hydrography, as well as a project inventory of around 1,250 projects, to this structure, which now has 11 clusters of activities, but we hope and we feel that this is more reflective of what we do, it's easier to explain, and it should be easier for you to see where we are.
At the top, you can see the three strategic objectives for the department. We've discussed those previously at committee. Underneath, you will see three science themes that cut across the strategic objectives, and then, as I mentioned, there are 11 issue areas that really reflect the program activity architecture.
I have to say that the themes and each of the activities are not easily lined up under any one strategic objective because, as you may understand, all the science that we do contributes in varying proportions to the various strategic outcomes, depending upon how the information is used.
To the left, in the oval, you will see there are science functions mentioned. There are five, those being research, monitoring, advisory processes, products and services, and data management. I'll speak a little bit to those, but, essentially, that's a different cut at how we do science; those are the components that we undertake in order to come up with the information for decision-makers.
On slide 6, and still under the pillar of relevance, fundamental to the renewal is the establishment of what we call the Science Management Board. The Science Management Board is chaired by the deputy. It is there to provide for a structured, formalized, and strategic process for priority-setting for science within the department. This is the first time this has happened within the department and this is the only department that has a structure of this nature or a process of this nature for formalized priority-setting for science.
The members are responsible for discussing the priorities needing science support. I will say that the membership includes the deputy, as I mentioned, myself, the two most relevant client sectors, those being oceans and habitat management and fisheries and aquaculture management, the chair of my external science advisory committee, Dr. Arthur Colin, and two of our senior scientists within the department. There are also two regional directors general, one east and one west, who represent all the regions.
We've met three times with this committee, and at the most recent meeting the board reviewed in detail our draft five-year research plan. We always have very good discussions, and we would be pleased to speak more to this.
If we move to the next slide, you will see that in terms of effectiveness, as we've mentioned previously at this committee, we are moving to an ecosystem approach. At our first Science Management Board meeting there was unanimous agreement that we do need to move in this direction. If I could just say for a moment, coming back to the context, in the past some of you may know our major client, our only client, was fisheries management, but we now have more. We have aquaculture, we have oceans, and we have habitat. Trying to square all those competing demands is why we put the management board together. We'd be pleased to discuss more what ecosystem science entails, but I will move on at this moment.
On slide 8...I mentioned the science functions earlier, and in fact during the review period we had a very intensive look at each and every one of our science functions. On monitoring, we put together an extensive report on what we do across the country. The monitoring, really, is the data collection, and a very large part of our data collection is done from vessels. We've talked about science vessels here before. That report is available and we'd be happy to provide it to you. We are now putting together an operational plan for the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Arctic, for freshwater, and Pacific salmon.
Data management is essential. We need to be able to access data; we need to be able to organize data. With pending retirements, we need to make sure we know where it is and that people can get to it.
Products and services are really related mostly to the Canadian Hydrographic Service, their charts, tide tables, and whatnot. Again, we can speak to that.
On research, I mentioned that we have a draft research plan, which ultimately we'd be happy to share with this committee.
All of this goes into the scientific advice, and we have a very extensive advisory process. You can access on our website all of our advisory processes for the coming year, which would relate to stock assessment, habitat assessment, state of the oceans, and whatnot.
Slide 9 is on effectiveness. We're looking at modernizing delivery. For one thing, we have always partnered, but we understand that we need to do more partnering, more effective partnering, so we have worked on a partnering and collaboration strategy. In conjunction with other science-based departments and agencies, there is also quite a lot of work going on in that area.
In addition to that, we have effected a different mechanism of delivery of our science. We have put in place a number of centres of expertise, which I'll speak to on the next slide. This is slide 10. Essentially there are two types of what we call COEs. One type is geographic; we have a couple of those, where all the scientists are in the same location. We're focusing more on the virtual centres of expertise, where we have a leader in one region, but we connect. It's more like a network of researchers.
Four of the COEs have been operational for a few years now, and I think you've heard of some of them. For example, there's COOGER, the Centre for Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Research, but there are others listed there. We have others in development, such as the Centre for research on Hydropower Impact on Fish and their habitat, CHIF, and the Centre of Expertise for Aquatic Risk Assessment, CEARA, which really relates to aquatic invasive species, and others.
Also, on effectiveness--I'm moving to slide 11--there's the highly skilled workforce. This committee has certainly indicated that you understand the challenges we're facing in the future. We are just coming to completion on a science HR strategy and plan. It will focus on strategic recruitment and retention, on fostering continuous learning and mentoring, and on strengthening our scientific and management capacity, as well as addressing any employment equity gaps. We also recognize that we need to further develop a culture that fosters the whole notion of collaboration, of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary work, and also working with a spectrum of partners.
Moving to affordability on slide 12, this is really what was driving the department, as you know, and science as well.
The renewal of the science program is supported by key strategies that are being integrated into a formalized process. We have an integrated financial and human resources strategy. For the at-sea science strategy, we are working closely with the coast guard to ensure that we can afford the vessels and get the work done that we need to do. On equipment strategy and infrastructure, I will just mention that as being addressed in an initiative led by Treasury Board, looking at the notion of where will the Government of Canada reinvest in federal science laboratories.
Also on affordability, I would note that in the recent past, in 2006-07, we actually have had an injection of funds. The transformational plan, which you've heard of, did result in $15.5 million coming into science overall. Of that, $2 million was major capital, $4 million went to vessels, and $9.5 million has gone directly into science for ecosystem research, monitoring, and high-risk charting.
The minister has given us direction this year, as you have heard, to maintain investment in stock assessment of $6 million that was scheduled to be cut under the expenditure review decisions. As well, he has directed us to retain the vessel, the Wilfred Templeman, in service until a new vessel arrives in 2011, and that would account for another $3 million.
We have remaining before us a financial challenge in terms of the Larocque court decision, which we can discuss a bit later, but essentially that was a decision that the minister cannot allocate fish that would then be used to finance science activities within the department.
And finally, under value, the science that we do, we recognize that most people don't know what we do. And in fact one of my science advisory committee members said to me, after touring one of our facilities, you know, these are the best stories never told and you need to get the story out.
We have been working hard on that. We are working on a strategy, but in advance of the strategy, we have done a number of things. We will have a first ever annual report of DFO science, which is in press, which we will be happy to share with members as soon as we can get it off the press. We have feature articles on the website. New ones come out every two weeks, and if you wish to be on the list, we would be happy to include you in that list. We also have an ADM lecture series here in Ottawa. And, again, if you wish to be on the list for those, you can be. In fact, tomorrow at 1:30 there is one on cod, “Cod Recovery: Food for Thought”, by Jean-Denis Dutil of our Quebec region.
Finally, under value, we also have an integrated risk and performance management framework. We need to be able to measure what we do, to demonstrate what we do, and why it is of importance to decision-makers and Canadians.
Essentially, Mr. Chair, I will close there. I think the last slide speaks for itself. I think the science renewal is on the right path, but we are certainly open to suggestions from this committee as to how we can improve and do more.
Thank you. Merci beaucoup.