If your group or organization could denounce this demagogy and disinformation campaign, it would help us and it would help bring out the truth. I’m not asking you to say that the seal population in its entirety should be exterminated or to propose any such measure. However, in my opinion, we have to criticize those who should be criticized. I am not criticizing the fact that these people are concerned with endangered species, but I’m criticizing the fact that they use disinformation and demagogy to achieve their financial ends.
I’m not asking you to go as far as I do, but I’m asking you to take part in the fight, because we really are in the throes of a struggle. We are fighting a group that makes money at our expense among the public. These people say that the seal hunters are barbarians and that this hunt is completely futile.
The more people knew the truth of the situation, the more they would criticize those involved in demagogy campaigns, the more the situation would improve for everyone and the more the truth would come out.