What we have now in our analysis is a series of options out there. I know where a number of the key conservation values are from our mapping, our GIS work, and this analytical work. That doesn't mean each of those conservation value areas has to become an MPA. What I'm talking about is this process in involving industry and decision-makers in making those kinds of tough decisions, so that we're looking at protecting the right kinds of areas for the right reasons and goals. As I said, it's a flexible tool, and until you start applying that tool and then using the tool also to analyze the cost benefits.... One could make a decision that we're going to sacrifice a conservation value for an economic gain, but at least that's a decision that's on the table, as opposed to no planning and no decision-making.
No one has agreed to a map yet, so we can't tell you that, but a key analysis is what you're getting to, which hasn't been done.