The World Wildlife Fund is a very large international conservation organization, and like most large organizations, sometimes people working for those organizations make silly statements.
You have perhaps noticed in my presentation that on the one hand, although you don't have the end notes that I submitted to the committee yet, some of the statements made by WWF Canada in recent years have been slightly strange, saying, for example, that the hunt is not a conservation issue. On the other hand, I was on a panel a couple of weeks ago with WWF's climate change expert in the United States, and in fact I cited their work and their recommendations as essentially a recommendation to this committee.
So WWF is obviously a very important player in this field, but they tend not to get terribly involved in Canada's seal hunt because they claim to be a conservation organization and not an animal welfare organization.
Now, I would like to make one point. You made some comments about animal rights groups, and I just want to emphasize that IFAW is an animal welfare organization with interests in conservation. It is not an animal rights organization. If it were an animal rights organization, I presume the name would be the international fund for animal rights, and clearly we're not that. There is a difference between animal rights organizations, on the one hand, animal welfare organizations, on the other—and indeed conservation organizations, on the third hand. So that is for clarification.