I understand. In fact, I believe in your 1999 presentation you showed us a map of the complexity of the interconnectivity, and it looked like a Spirograph gone out of control. DFO scientists, in my view, have never said that the seals would increase the recovery of other commercial species, and they never said they were the cause of it. What they said is that there's a possibility that the increased number of seals from 1982 to present day, along with all the other factors of overfishing, climate change, and environment, may have an impact on the recovery of cod and other stocks.
They've never said conclusively that if you wiped out all the seals, the cod would come back tomorrow. They've never said that. They've said that there is a possibility that one of the factors that may hinder the recovery of the cod stocks is the abundance of seals out there. They've said that is a possibility.