Thank you.
If I may say, Rebecca, when you talked about the stopping of the fur—that this is a fur kill and not necessarily.... I have concerns with that. I lived in the Yukon for nine years and watched various groups around the world try to put an end to the leghold trap and to fur trapping and all of that. That had quite a devastating effect on first nations people in the Yukon and those in other areas, such as the Inuit and the Innu in Labrador. That's just taking them, and not including our northern provinces with the Métis and everybody else.
Do you not feel, then, that with those types of comments, you are including or absorbing.... I know your intention is not to hurt their livelihood, but the reality is first nations people, as you're aware, have been doing this traditionally for thousands of years. By saying you're anti-fur, period—you're not just talking about seals, you're talking about all animals—do you not feel that you could be damaging their traditional lifestyle? You're basically saying, as they've said to me, you want them to assimilate into the white man's culture, when they believe that their traditional forms of trapping and hunting are what they've always done and they'll continue to do so, and they just want various groups to get off their backs and allow them to do what they do best.