I will now tell you why. I would like to take another tone. I prefer the tone of exchange and dialogue, rather than that of provocation. However, you say things and write things which are outrageous lies. Further, you say it to the public. You have a certain degree of credibility. Unfortunately, I do not understand why you are taking advantage of the credibility you have, and I don't even want to imagine why. I am extremely disappointed.
When I hear your organizations describe the seal hunt as a massacre, I believe you are lying. When you refer to baby seals, you are also lying. It just doesn't happen. It's just a way for you to sell an image and an issue. Any communications expert will tell you that you have chosen an excellent subject, namely baby seals. When your supporter, one Brigitte Bardot, gives a press conference with a poster in the background showing a baby harp seal or a seal on the ice being battered, these are lies too. That is why I unfortunately feel caught in the vice of demagogy and disinformation. Congratulations, you've done a great job.
Here is my first question. You said that you saw a seal which was left on the ice for 90 minutes. When you realized that it was probably still alive—in my opinion, that would have taken three or four minutes at the most because you said you have a lot of experience in this area—why is it that you waited 90 minutes?