We do have a counter-argument, in that we've looked at the modeling the Canadian government uses to arrive at those populations. For example, to arrive at that 5.8 million, the Canadian government surveyed about 2% of the breeding site seal population, came up with a pup production estimate, and modelled from there to arrive at the population of 5.8 million. We look at the way the survey was conducted and the fact that it relied very heavily on visual counts from helicopters by DFO staff.
We look at those problems in the population survey. I believe it is the responsibility of the Canadian government to conduct accurate population surveys. I would not rule out our conducting a population survey. What I can say is that I fly over every square inch of the gulf and the front every single year. We see adults out there. We don't see pups. It's getting worse and worse out there in terms of ice conditions. Where we used to see pack ice everywhere, we don't.