We haven't spoken to Phil Fontaine, but we have spoken to the head of the Greenland seal hunters association. We've spoken to the head of the Nunavut seal hunters association. I met with a very large number of industry people out at the NAMMCO meeting in Denmark. We're very committed to working with those communities.
One thing native people can do is label native seal products. That is a very obvious thing that they can do in the wake of closing markets. When we work on international trade bans, we are always very clear that those pieces of legislation will exempt native products. So if you look back to the 1980s ban of whitecoat and blueback seal products, you'll see it clearly exempted native products. Those particular seals were not actually hunted by native communities.
So, no, I don't believe the impact was as high as people try to make it seem. Today, the piece of legislation that is being considered by the European Union specifically exempts products caught by traditional native hunters.