You may, as a matter of fact.
The other issue is the aboriginal hunt. I think the record has been corrected a couple of times today. I don't pretend to be the expert on every aboriginal community in northern Canada, but I've been in a number of them. The truth has to be told about when the fur moratorium came into place and the leg-hold trap was nearly banned totally in the country. The aboriginal first nations suicides went up 250% and alcoholism increased dramatically. There was a lack of a sense of place and self-worth. Anyone who has been around the aboriginal culture at all would understand that. It was a terrible thing that happened. When you shut down the sale of fur, you don't just shut down the sale of fur for non-aboriginals, you shut it down for everybody. You close off a marketplace.
I have a real concern. You mentioned whaling. We have a huge first nations whale hunt. It's a huge hunt, probably the largest whale hunt in the world. Are narwhal and porpoises and belugas next on the list? And then what happens?
I don't think, on the one hand, you can hold the aboriginal community up and say we're going to protect this interesting group of Canadian society, when, quite frankly—and this needs to be said—I think they're simply next on the list. When it's more convenient and they have no one else standing with them and they're standing alone.... It's a very, very difficult life in northern communities for people who are not attached to a southern lifeline. There are all kinds of people who have that southern lifeline and who travel south and live south, but they don't have to subsist in that environment.
I think there are some recommendations made here today that we'll follow up on: lengthening the hunt and making sure there are more observers out there. There are other recommendations for which I think the record, especially with first nations, needs to be corrected.
Again, I apologize for taking too much time for my comments.
I appreciate both our witnesses coming.
The other comment I wanted to ask you to follow up on.... You made a comment. This is important. You said your fundraising doesn't come from anti-sealing, that it was a very, very small portion—