I can't say for sure. In the past, where we had evidence of black market product, that was when the price was very high. It was quite attractive to people to go out and take the risk of being caught, because when you're potentially making $30 or $40 a kilogram, the payoff can be quite high. When it's closer to $6 a pound, the incentive to do that is much reduced. So the market itself probably affects the behaviour of people who would like to do that.
Recently, in the last few years, the black market has not been brought forward as a strong issue by the spawn-on-kelp industry. Previously, when the price was very high, that was more of an issue.
So my answer is that I don't think it's influencing price today. I don't think it's as extensive as it may have been historically. I think that's probably a reflection of a couple of things, but certainly the value is one of them.