It's true. They do believe that, or at least they're saying that at this point in time.
That's not the only issue up for discussion. The other issue is how we manage the roe herring fishery generally in their area. They are concerned that the roe herring fishery, which is substantially larger, adversely affects their ability to catch spawn on kelp. The approach we've taken with the Heiltsuks and with the roe herring fishery is to try to find some sort of collaborative arrangement whereby the roe herring fishery--which means the commercial fishing interests--the Heiltsuks, and the department are collaborating on the management of the fishery so that we can remove, to the extent possible, the fear that the management of the roe herring fishery is adversely affecting the spawn-on-kelp fishery. Last year we agreed to observer arrangements and other types of approaches that effectively dealt with this concern.