Could I piggyback onto that?
I would indicate that in terms of this business plan, we certainly have every intention of sharing it with the Auditor General. It will also become part of our ongoing input to the Treasury Board in terms of the management accountability framework.
I'd like to underline as well the absolute essentiality of getting there in terms of the Auditor General's recommendations around maintenance management systems. In other words, it's one thing when we're operating in 1984 trawlers, but as we move forward with this fleet replacement program, as the navy did, it will be absolutely essential that the recommendations she and her staff have made are actually functioning in order to make the system work.
So notwithstanding my very strong support for the men and women of the Canadian Coast Guard, who have done a wonderful job—which is why I might take a little bit of an exception to decisions about at-risk pay and that kind of stuff—there is no question that your point is bang-on and that we must ensure that the recommendations the Auditor General has made are implemented in terms of a comprehensive maintenance management system for configuration management as this new fleet rolls out. It's absolutely essential operationally, as well as from a taxpayers' perspective.