I'm far from being reassured by your answer. If a country with whom we are on good terms were to violate fishery laws, I get the feeling we would find ourselves in the same boat as we were a few years ago, that is we would hold off before fining or admonishing the transgressor for overfishing.
If in fact you have two employers, namely Foreign Affairs and International Trade and Fisheries and Oceans, I have a feeling that at some point, one might ask you to do one thing, and the other, the very opposite. At worst, you might end up doing nothing at all. That's why I'm very apprehensive.
You have a lot of work to do to bolster our confidence in a position of this nature. It's nothing personal, because you have a solid resume. However, as you so aptly stated, you're taking on this job at a time when one crisis seems to follow closely on the heels of another.
Since your appointment, have you met with anyone from Quebec? If so, with whom?