We don't have activity-based accounting. What we do have is proxy, so we know how many hours our fisheries officers would spend on the seal hunt. The seal hunt has been very intense, in particular in the last couple of years. The hunt on the front was very short. All the quota was taken in a very short period of time, a day or so, and that means you have a lot of people involved for a very short period of time, whereas other fisheries go on for weeks and take different kinds of resources.
We could give you some proxy in terms of the number of hours spent versus the total number of hours of patrol, and that would give you an idea of the relative cost of monitoring. I think, though, the fact that the officers have to be on top of very large ships is another big factor in the costs. They aren't on program boats or in cars. They have to be deployed in very difficult conditions, obviously.
We may not be able to get all that--