Thank you, Mr. Chair.
My first question goes back to what Mr. Kamp raised earlier on gravel extraction in the Fraser River. It was obviously a really big concern, with the snow pack in the mountains of British Columbia this year. It looks like the weather is going to be coolish for the next two weeks. That's good news.
On the issue of gravel extraction and the MOU, earlier you mentioned a memorandum of understanding and an issue of economies.
I understand that Mr. Cummins and the department had advised there was a company willing to extract the gravel with barge-based equipment for the value of the gravel. It might have relieved some of the pressure on the water coming down the river. Obviously, if we don't go down to make room for the water, it's going to come up, and we could have problems with flooding.
Could you comment on that? Has the department considered whether or not the value of the gravel itself might have covered the cost of extraction?