Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
We often say that the more things change, the more they stay the same. In 2006, Canadians and Quebeckers decided to change governments, and did so because of a certain level of frustration. The fishermen in my riding, the port authorities and the population in general decided to vote new elected officials and a new government into office. It was the only power they had. They did not have the power to change the public service or the departments.
You seem somewhat uncomfortable with Mr. Blais' questions. What we are talking about here is applying a band-aid solution to a problem. We are behaving as though the country is bankrupt, and yet, the government's budgetary surpluses are in the order of $13 to $15 billion per year. It is easy to accumulate a surplus: all you have to do is plan for it in the budget and not spend the money.
Federal facilities, including small crafts harbours, are our property and the responsibility of the department. The government decided—and the more things change the more they stay the same, both for the Conservatives and for the Liberals—to pay down the mortgage rather than invest in maintenance. Personally, if I pay down my mortgage but let my house deteriorate to the point where it falls apart, I'm going to have trouble selling it.
I would now like to talk about the Port Divestiture Program for Small Crafts Harbours. You are going to have difficulty selling these wharves to port authorities. In fact, they are having problems keeping up their maintenance. We are talking about exhausted volunteers who are not getting the necessary support to manage these harbours. These people are as fragile as a house of cards today. In some areas, we wonder if it is the boat that is holding up the wharf or the wharf that is holding up the boat.
I can see that the Conservative members are looking at me, but I am anxious to see if the Conservatives will distinguish themselves from the Liberals. The only investments that have been made, through Fisheries and Oceans, affected certain wharves on the North Shore and in the Gaspé. The improvement amounted to a fence with a sign indicating that the wharf was dangerous and was no longer accessible. As I was saying, we are talking here about exhausted and disgusted volunteers, who soon will abandon their efforts altogether.
How much would it cost to properly refurbish all of Canada's small crafts harbours? If the work is spread over too long a period of time, the first harbours to be refurbished will no longer be in good shape in 10 years' time, for example. That is why I was talking about a five-year time frame.
I would like to know if the department is going to assume its responsibilities and make a recommendation. If you do so, I would like to have a copy. From that moment on, we would be able to put pressure on the minister in the House of Commons to act on your recommendation, that is to allocate a given sum of money for the work to be done over the next five years. Your work would be done and you would have assumed your responsibilities. The ball would then be in the minister's and elected officials' court.