To be clear, Mr. Chairman, our role in this is really related to our role around habitat protection.
On our engagement or our involvement in this, the committee may recollect that last year there was a problem with a structure that was put in place on the Fraser River. It was a fairly detailed study, and a number of salmon were lost. We did a very detailed review of this. This issue plays out both around the habitat side and the flood side of it, and my comments on the economics may have been confusing.
What has driven whether or not the gravel gets removed to date has been on whether or not it is an economically viable proposition for the gravel remover, whether it's the contractors or the first nations who pay for the gravel extraction to achieve some level of profit by removing the gravel. From our perspective, our concern is merely that the technical protocols are in place and that the amount of gravel being removed in a particular location doesn't pose a major habitat problem.
Our role in this is to ensure those protocols and those processes are in place so that we in no way impede the timely removal of gravel should the province or in some cases the cities decide to proceed with gravel removal. We had a meeting with the province this year. There were concerns about this, and we were pretty sure we hadn't held anything up, but we went back to square one and went through it all again.
My point is that this year I think we had provided approvals for up to 800,000 cubic metres, but I wouldn't mind checking that number.
My point is that our role in this is to ensure the process is done in a timely manner so that the gravel can be removed. The economics of it is usually between the province and whoever is removing it.
My point on the economics of it is that if this is actually all about flood control and not about whether or not somebody can make money removing gravel, then it would probably be a good idea to sort it out. If the gravel needs to in fact be removed for flood control, among the various levels of governments involved, we can sort it out so that the gravel is removed and whoever is removing it makes money, whether a portion of it is from the gravel or a portion of it is because the gravel has to be removed.
Having said all that, as I said, you have to remove an awful lot of gravel to have an impact, based on my layman's understanding, versus dikes and that kind of thing. I think we need a flood control plan. Certainly I know our department and the federal government would then respond in a meaningful way to whatever needs to be done for public safety.