I appreciate that, and I thank all of our witnesses for appearing today.
I do have a final question, and it's fairly complicated. I'm certain the department hasn't thought it through, but I do want your opinions on it. I've spoken to the minister about it, so you may have had a heads-up on this question of the owner-operator policy.
No one is questioning that we want independent fishermen to own their rigs, and we understand that the trust will be shut down, but the lobster fishery in LFA 34 and LFA 33, both of which are represented in my riding, is going to be unfairly hit compared to other fisheries. In all other fisheries you're allowing fishermen to combine enterprises. Newfoundland is treated differently than Nova Scotia; different sectors in Nova Scotia are treated differently than the lobster sector.
I want to put this scenario out. I don't think it has been considered. I'm going to make a guess, and since you folks have no way of knowing, my guess is as good as yours in this case.
In LFA 34 there are at least 300 licences held in trust in the lobster fishery. In LFA 33 there are at least 100 licences in trust. I'm being very conservative in my estimates. Due to DFO rules and regulations and the Marshall decision in particular, in that fishery the cost of that licence in LFA 34 and LFA 33 has more than doubled in the last 10 years.
I know individuals who have bought licences for $900,000 and $1.2 million. But let's say that's on the high end of the scale. Let's say the average licences are worth $800,000. You have 300 licences held in trust, which is $240 million in that fishery. By this act, you've just devalued those licences by half. They're on the market today for $400,000 to $500,000. You're taking $120 million out of the fishery, which is struggling anyway, in the riding I represent, and in West Nova, the riding that Mr. Thibault represents. In LFA 33, the majority of which I represent, there's $25 million tied up in licences, and that has been devalued by half.
Now, if you take another 300 or 200 or 150 licences of fishermen who have been waiting to retire because we're bringing in capital gains legislation, you put into that mix another $170 million in the industry and you devalue that by half. That's a lot of money. That's nearly half a billion dollars that the industry has been devalued in South Shore--St. Margaret's and West Nova areas of Nova Scotia.
We don't have time to debate all the parameters here. Somehow or another, if you're going to treat this sector differently--and I'm not disagreeing with the owner-operator policy at all--there needs to be dollars put in place for fishermen to buy one another out. In this seven-year period we have flooded the market with licences. There are licences waiting to be sold, and there are another 400 minimum that are going to hit the marketplace, but there are not 600 fishermen with the financing to take them over.
Whether the period of time needs to be twenty years instead of seven years or it needs to be a fisheries loan board with real dollars to advance, I don't know, but I think we have a problem.