Fishery is a complex world. In the area 12 crab, there are 27 organizations that represent groups of fishers. That's not including the processors. We now take an “ocean to plate” approach, which means we include processors in the discussions. We have sessions that have everybody at the table, or at which everybody is invited to the table. And whether or not we have all 27 groups saying yes, that's the way we're going to do it, at the end of the day we need to make a decision and make an arrangement with someone about how to do this. That's just one example.
There are other more obvious examples, perhaps, in fisheries, and let's say in the gulf generally. You have fleets from five provinces, you have inshore, you have midshore. In terms of working with “the” fishermen, in some places it works extraordinarily well. I'd use area 19 crab, which is off Cape Breton. There is a defined group of folks, they've organized themselves, and we have what is effectively a co-management arrangement there. We come up with what science we're going to do each year with them. It's a long-term plan, and we roll it out, and all that sort of stuff. It's difficult to do in most of the fisheries, where the fish don't respect our boundaries, so you have a complex situation.
But the objective is to work with the fisheries groups writ large and come up with arrangements. Those are summarized in the integrated fisheries management plan, which goes out to everybody.
But is there unanimous agreement among all the fishers and all the fisher groups? Not necessarily.