As the deputy minister has said, we are deeply concerned, but in the end, we believe that for the time being this is an issue for the fishers and the processors. As you know, and as the deputy minister has stated, a few of the Quebec boats are unloading their catch in Newfoundland and are getting, from what we are being told, around 56 or 57¢ a pound. In Quebec, they were offered much less, around 45¢ a pound to be more precise. This really is an issue involving those two parties. We are aware of what is happening in Gaspé and we are concerned. We are following the situation very closely. I do not know if there are discussions under way with the demonstrators, but it is difficult for everyone.
As the deputy minister also stated, we have begun a review of the cost of licences. This will take time, but it is very difficult to reduce the cost of licences for a given group when all of the others are faced with similar situations and could very well tell us that it is much more difficult for them. We believe that the best thing to do is to work with them on the regional shares — they have asked for that —, the temporary lessees, and to make the changes we are able to make, but it is difficult in the short term to change the cost of licences.