It is however possible to intervene with regard to the cost of the licences, not withstanding the negotiations between the processors and the fishers. That is part of a negotiation process, which is one element. The Department has admitted that the situation is problematic as far as the cost of the licences for the crab industry is concerned. There is therefore some means of intervening.
Rather than waiting for the process to simply evolve on its own, might we not have a pilot project or something else along those lines that would allow us to resolve the crisis immediately and them come back to the issues at hand? You have already recognized that the situation with regard to the cost of the licences is a difficult one. I am not talking about the price of shrimp or anything else, but of the cost of the licences. You have acknowledged the difficulty. There is a crisis within this industry and the cost of licences is very steep. This is where I see a way of intervening.