It stunted three old red fish.
Mr. Calkins put an idea in my mind. Is the feed for our farm fish Canadian-made, or is any of it imported? That's not what I really wanted to ask, but could someone answer that? I represent a fairly significant aquaculture area in the Connaigre Peninsula. It's going to get bigger, by all accounts, over the next five to ten years, so I was wondering if it's Canadian-made or coming in from somewhere else.
The last day you were here, I asked a question on the FPI groundfish quotas. At that time, Mr. Bevan was in Newfoundland and Labrador in intense meetings, negotiations, and discussions. Can you give me an update on that? Has it been resolved, or are we close to resolving it?
I understand that the province is now in possession of written proposals, and I'm wondering if you could please update us on that.