I want to go on, and hopefully you'll have some latitude with me, seeing as how you've had some latitude with some of the others here.
I want to talk from a cost-effectiveness point of view. I have a report here from the Vancouver Sun that came from the B.C. Ministry of Environment. It says that the total wild salmon harvest in 2005 was 26,300 tonnes—I believe that's accurate—and farmed salmon was 70,600 tonnes, so a little more than double. When you look at it and do the cost-out, the wholesale value to the province of captured wild salmon was $212 million, while the farmed salmon was $371 million. Wild salmon was worth about $8 million a tonne, and farmed salmon was worth about $5.2 million a tonne.
I'm wondering if there are any programs looking at that through the estimates here. Maybe we're going about it the wrong way. I'm also wondering if there is any money being spent to look at either adding value to the aquaculture or perhaps investing in the wild salmon, which seems to bear a better value on the open market.