When you look at the main estimates, you're actually looking at the budget of the aquaculture management division. Those are the people who look at coordinating support for the industry, etc. There are a lot of other people, obviously, who are engaged in the regulation of the aquaculture industry. Habitat is involved. We also have CFIA, as you noted. There's a role for Transport Canada, in terms of the Navigable Waters Protection Act, and CEAA, etc. When you look at all of those pieces of other organizations, there are substantial resources. We just don't have them captured that way, because it's a matter of a piece of somebody in Transport Canada, CEAA, and so on.
So the people you're looking at, the FTEs, in the budget are the ones who are dedicated to helping deal with the issues, coordinating the work of the various departments and involved in managing aquaculture, etc. So they are catalysts, and their numbers don't reflect the actual amount of work done by the federal government or the provinces in managing the aquaculture industry.