That should obviously be clarified.
I am the member for Manicouagan, which is the north part of the St. Lawrence. Our crabbers are in area 16, which includes the Moyenne-Côte-Nord and the Basse-Côte-Nord. There are traditional crabbers and ground fishers in the area. The ground fishers are faced with a moratorium. They struggling to make a living. These people want to work honourably and earn their living without having to go on welfare or collect employment insurance.
They have successfully obtained temporary allocations for crab from Fisheries and Oceans for the duration of the moratorium. Of course, that has given rise to some frustration for our traditional crabbers, because they oppose sharing the resource. The part of the resource given to fishers who were not traditional crabbers was approximately 10,000 pounds per year, which penalized the crabbers. Since then, the number of traditional crabbers and market prices have increased. There seems to be some kind of a common organization so that everyone in Moyenne-Côte-Nord and Basse-Côte-Nord can get by.
I would like to know if in your area, principally in area 12, there are traditional crabbers—yes, I am convinced there are—and fishers who have temporary crab licences, as is the case in my area. You said that you did not agree with sharing the resource prior to 2010.