Thanks very much. I'll hand off to Wendy to answer that specific question, but I wouldn't mind picking up where we left off the last one.
The minister has been pushing hard, working closely with his provincial colleagues to bring forward something called an aquaculture framework agreement. It's a three-part thing, but the first element of it is around governance, which is code for sorting out all this regulatory stuff that David talked about, so that we and the provinces and everybody involved work very closely together so that, from the industry's end of this thing and from environment groups and others, it's clear who's doing what to whom. And we do it in the most effective manner possible. And there are timelines around it as well, so if that if you're thinking about investing in this industry, you have some confidence that you're going to get an answer of yes or no, as opposed to maybe for an extended period of time. The minister has been pushing this very hard, and he has total support from all his provincial colleagues that this does need to move forward. It also has attached to it additional science and R and D.
We do additional development work in support of aquaculture from our science sector as well, and the elements of trying to give that industry some of the same kind of protection around crop-risk insurance that agriculture has.
So there is an initiative underway to try to come to grips with this kind of spaghetti mix of regulatory stuff. But in relation to the specifics of the most recent thing you raise, which was a really good question, Wendy, do you want talk to that?