For area 12 crab, the opening was released by a “notice to fisher”. Some of the plans are released by a big announcement and some are done by notice to fisher. What we need to do, obviously, is make sure that when there's a notice to fisher the committee members are aware—or at least that there's a central repository, an obvious location you can go to in order to find it. We can certainly do that. But this is why it would happen.
On the west coast, you're right that the issue with respect to seals is controversial. That said, we've had seal culls on the west coast in the past. Not many people are aware of that. It's been some years—I think it was 1998 or something like that—since we had the last one. It was a grand total of 30 seals, I think. So it has happened.
On the issue of the interaction between seals and salmon, obviously in each interaction the seals win. But it's not absolutely certain what the actual relationship is in terms of seals eating certain species that eat certain species that eat certain species, or seals eating herring and herring eat salmon larvae—or cod larvae, in the east. In any case, it's not absolutely clear what the relationship is.
That said, there is a seal predation workshop coming up, a significant one that we're planning for the fall and for next year, to look at this both for the east coast and the west coast, so that we get a better understanding of it. In the meantime, we are hearing, from salmon fishermen in particular but also from others, that they think there's a growing concern about it, and we are working with them and monitoring.