Thank you very much for that question.
Although it is at arm's length from the department, the FFMC is certainly an organization the minister is very interested in. In fact he visited provinces and some of the stakeholders, and I think the debate that comes up every so often, and it came up when I was last in the department in 1997, is the debate about whether the single marketing approach is the best approach. And it's not surprising that the debate would arise now, because the same pressures are on that fishery as are on both coasts and everywhere else, rising fuels prices and so on and so forth, the high Canadian dollar.
In the context of the discussions the minister had, there was a request that in fact the FFMC have a look at dual marketing, I think in the context of some of the controversies that have been alluded to that somehow have become mixed into this. It's not the case at all. What the minister's interest is, what the president and the board of FFMC's interest is, and the stakeholders' interest is, is obviously to run the most effective organization possible. So the minister has no intention whatsoever of doing anything to eliminate or to change FFMC in any way that the president and the board of FFMC aren't interested in doing. But there is an interest out there in ensuring that it is operating to its maximum effectiveness, and there is this question about whether a dual marketing approach is feasible, viable, or whatever. It happens to coincide with the Treasury Board review of all crown corporations as well, in which we have to look at this sort of thing.
But it's a good question. The bottom line is the minister has no intention of doing anything dramatic outside the wishes of the existing board and organization there, which is running quite effectively.