Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm not a usual member of the standing committee; that enables me to ask questions that are simplistic, but that must nevertheless be asked.
What strikes me in your presentation is that, for a country whose motto is “From sea even unto sea,” the fishing harbours issue is very important. Furthermore, you admit at the outset that additional funding is necessary to maintain essential harbours. So I immediately see an inconsistency.
There are essential harbours, but we lack funding to maintain them. You moreover show that a little further on. On page 5, you emphasize that there is a funding gap of $32 million for harbour maintenance as established in 2006.
Is the fact that you don't have the necessary funding a recent phenomenon, or has that always been the case? Did the change in government in 2006 alter the situation? Why is there currently a funding gap? When you compare $32 million to all spending on weapons and overseas military intervention, you wonder why we don't maintain essential harbours, particularly if you consider the economic consequences for the country and the social consequences being experienced by my colleague in the Magdalen Islands and Gaspé. I don't have that problem, being a member from the Montreal region, but I feel all the pressure that must be on our members in areas where there are a number of fishing harbours that have not been adequately maintained by our government, which does not lack for money, because it has been posting unbelievable surpluses for a number of years now.
I would like to hear your explanation. Have the ministers of Fisheries and Oceans applied the necessary pressure to obtain that funding? I'd like to have your viewpoint on that.