Okay, I appreciate seeing those figures, because they maybe give the committee a target to encourage the Governor in Council to come up with the money to actually deliver the goods in this file. Thank you.
I was trying to reconcile some of these figures. It is correct that in our current budget we're stabilized at about $97 million, going down to $94 million, to address these concerns.
I guess all I can say is that it seems as if a disproportionate number of these harbours in the older part of the country—my colleague from Avalon has many small craft harbours in his riding—are in need of repair. We have a lot on the west coast as well in need of repair, though not nearly the same numbers. The communities certainly are dependent on these harbours.
The dredging issue I think was mentioned earlier, and I know there's been a lot of frustration with some of our harbour authorities over it. I may be confusing this with some recreational harbours just being able to dredge their harbours, and even getting permission to dredge, because of eel grass, siltation, and so on. I'm drifting now into another issue of habitat management, which I think we did raise before when other officials were here. It may be hard for you to answer this, because our habitat person isn't here today. But it's certainly an issue where they're not getting authority or permission to clean out their harbours so they get can access to the small craft harbours.
There's a sense that DFO is just letting them die, or that the impact on these harbours is not being taken into consideration for recreational use and the people who depend on them.
I'll just leave that as a comment. I don't know whether you can comment on that, Mr. Bergeron, or maybe you'd be willing to take a shot at that, Mr. Hegge. I know that finance is more your department.
I wonder whether anybody would care to comment on this.