Recreational harbours are included in non-essential harbours. In 1995, the government decided that the harbours program would divest itself of all those recreational facilities. That decision was communicated to everyone. I believe that people in all the communities that have recreational harbours know that we want to divest the facilities in question.
As regards the fishing harbours that we consider non-essential, I would say that the vast majority of the 172 harbours that we must still divest have been the subject of discussions with the communities concerned. People know that we want to divest ourselves of them. The problem we're currently facing is that we don't have enough funding to expedite the divestiture of those facilities.
However, in the case of a certain number of communities, we haven't yet really spoken with users. So they don't necessarily know that we intend to divest those facilities. Note that we're talking here about facilities where the activity level is really very low. In general, they are facilities that are in quite poor condition.