I always more or less look at dredging as just another investment that you need to make to either maintain or construct a harbour in the first place. I like looking at it in the context of the overall picture, and when each of us does our priority setting for the year, dredging is usually the first thing that is looked at. There's maintenance dredging, in other words, infilling. I know you have a number of harbours in your riding where there's some periodic infilling that can occur. And there's capital dredging, as we call it, to actually accommodate larger vessels that are more centralized and use harbours that are not accessible right now. Dredging is very much the first order of business, I would think, when we put together our project plans, knowing that if you can't get into a harbour you're not going to get very far.
I know Quebec has significant dredging. We're maybe somewhat blessed in Newfoundland that our dredging needs are not as extensive as they are in other regions.