Thank you very much for the question and comments.
As you mentioned, Robson Bight came together because we worked closely with the provincial government, and departments of fisheries and environment in particular. I should say to you that we probably have a closer and better working relationship with the Province of British Columbia than with any others. We work very closely with all of them and their ministers, but British Columbia has really come to the table and taken a leadership role in a lot of ways, particularly in relation to environmental issues as they affect the oceans and the fisheries.
You were asking if we are going to involve people in the area you're talking about. No project of that magnitude--no setting up of a marine protected area, for instance--will be a success if you don't involve all the players. We have had examples in the past of governments coming in from Ottawa and saying they were going to protect the fish and create a marine protected area, and it didn't work. It didn't work because the people didn't understand, weren't involved, and didn't support it. Within a few years of the original failure, these people, after asking about and learning about and realizing the importance of such areas, were coming and asking for such an area. So we'll be involved.
It's moving ahead. My deputy might want to add a little bit more on it, but it is moving ahead, and we'll be involving all the players--absolutely, we will.