The committee I sit on is called the monitoring committee for the Eastmain-1-A-Sarcelle-Rupert diversion project. Our major role is to report to the chief and council and bring out the concerns of the community.
There are many studies, and not all of them concern our community. I have heard from our people that one of their major concerns is the eelgrass. It affects our livelihood with our migratory geese. There are many concerns, such as increased flow and land erosion that cause the water to not be clear anymore.
Our major role is to disseminate information from Hydro-Québec and vice versa. Whatever concerns the community has I take to the table. I work with five other communities: Mistissini, Nemaska, Waskaganish, Eastmain and Wemindji. We work with Hydro-Québec. SEBJ and the CRA representatives are also on that committee.