Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Welcome, gentlemen.
I'm certainly pleased that my good friend Mr. Kamp keeps on top of my press releases. That's good.
I don't recall saying there would be no possibility, but we did have witnesses before the committee who indicated that we're getting well down the road and that Canada has probably not been as strong at the negotiating table on these issues as it should have been. So I guess we have to listen to witnesses.
One question I would like to ask you is that if this should go down the road, and there are declines in the fishery, and those types of things, can this have an effect on who rules on the subsidies? What I'm thinking about is the lobster fishery, where you have some areas that have declined and need employment insurance and the small craft harbours programs, and those types of things that are in place.
Could this have an effect down the road if it is adopted?