Well, I really didn't hear an answer.
Every year, as I said to the minister the last time he was here, the announcements are made so late. And then with such short construction seasons, and weather and stuff, we always get a lot of carryovers and work not completed as early as we would like it to be completed. So it seems to me that if there were small craft harbour announcements in Nova Scotia within the last day or so, we'd hear of the others too, as I would think they're all done around the same time. I'd just like an answer as to when I can expect the Newfoundland and Labrador approvals, and when these subsequent announcements will be made.
Having said that, and maybe I'm jumping to the wrong conclusion, I am assuming that the announcements I saw yesterday are part of the most recently approved budget—or maybe the money came from somewhere else.
Maybe someone can clarify that for me. I'm not sure.