I understand. It's a serious question.
As the committee is aware, we've been conducting an SAR needs analysis for the better part of a year and a half, which we've completed. We are discussing the findings with our partners, the Department of National Defence and the auxiliary, and on the basis of that, we'll be looking at whatever adjustments are appropriate in terms of our SAR coverage.
In Newfoundland, we have not had that many 47-foot lifeboats for two reasons. One is that the profile of SAR cases in Newfoundland is very different from many other parts of the country. Well over half the cases take place beyond 50 miles, which is beyond the range of those 47-foot lifeboats. So most of our profile in Newfoundland has been built around our medium and our larger vessels for that reason.
In addition, the 47-foot lifeboats don't operate in ice conditions, so of course they're limited just to the spring, summer, and early fall seasons. The profile in Newfoundland has been dictated by the types of SAR cases and the types of vessels that are best placed to respond to those SAR cases.