Tuna is an iconic fish and it is obviously in trouble. Canada has worked with some of the other countries in ICAAT to try to prevent setting quotas too high. We have not been successful. It's been fished to a level much higher than scientists advise and it's also been overfished. More fish are being taken than is set in the quota. It has some significant issues.
We are going to be noting to COSEWIC that Canada does not manage that fishery alone. It's a highly migratory fish population that goes from one side of the Atlantic to the other and through many EEZs. It's not something we could put a rebuilding plan in on our own. Perhaps COSEWIC should be informed of the limitations of a Canadian response. We think it's best to work within the international community to try to achieve the necessary conservation outcomes.
With respect to halibut, we'll have to see what approach will be taken in terms of how they'll identify the various populations. We will provide information to COSEWIC to ensure they have the best information from DFO science as they go through their deliberations.