On that, I already mentioned to one of your members yesterday that I had heard about the motion. I support it solidly.
I was in Belgium and met with a number of people about a year ago. It's when you talk to the politicians—forget the anti-protestors and the protestors, and everybody else out on the streets. The people who make the decision, as it is here, are the people who sit around and vote in the House. It doesn't matter what pressure bears on them; they will be the ones to say yes or no.
The ones I talked to, almost unanimously, had a one-sided story: the 20-year-old video of the whitecoat being clubbed. That's what they had heard about, and they thought it was terrible. Those who knew a bit more supported us, including some of our Irish friends who were over there and spoke out in our favour. As long as the hunt is sustainable and humanely conducted, that's all they want. But it takes politicians to talk to politicians. God bless all of our officials dealing with the other officials. It is the politicians talking to other politicians at that level who will make the difference.
I would suggest that if the whole committee could go there and spread out and talk to people, it would be well worthwhile—and I will defend you against anybody who says it's just another foolish junket.
I would also like to thank the committee for supporting me in what we had to do in taking the shrimp quota from P.E.I. I'll make sure it's spread around to everybody.