As far as site contamination and the condition of the properties go, we've had unofficial discussions with Fisheries and Oceans officials and have received a fair number of site contamination and habitation reports. They're quite aware of the site conditions, and we're quite aware of our site conditions. I guess that comes into the association's ability to produce a business plan for the site. You can't do everything all at once, that's for sure.
At Cove Island we're quite aware of the site deficiencies, but they are manageable. By doing a proper phased business plan over many years, you can manage it. I think it's very manageable. On getting into areas where we'd be over our heads, I think we have enough expertise to draw on, both public and private, that would act as very valuable business resources and heritage preservation resources for us.
It will be a process. It's a long-term plan of five or ten years, but you do it smartly and efficiently within your own financial abilities.