I do have one question. I just wanted to clear up for Mr. Johnson that I needed somebody from Newfoundland to explain to an Albertan how the math works. So I appreciate it. I certainly want you to benefit in the long term from the resources you have here. As an Albertan, I know very well about the value of managing your resources wisely.
I have a question for you, Herb, on the deck that you gave me with these slides. You have a picture here of a yacht from Sag Harbour yacht club in Long Island, New York. One of the questions I asked at a previous committee meeting was how a vessel that's not registered in Canada, that has a destination and passengers from another country, gets to a small craft harbour through our customs process. Normally a vessel that originates in another country has to go to a port of entry, which obviously has customs and everything. How is it that a vessel that's originating from another country proceeds to a small craft harbour--legally?