You are very inventive in what you try to do. The fee you have to charge depends on what service you provide. When our harbour authority was first formed, we had very little service to provide, with the exception of berthage. As we've grown over the years and made reinvestments in fresh water and bathrooms, things have gone up. But as he just mentioned about the price per pound, there are ways of bringing it up that mean berthage is not being paid directly, but still the harvester is paying.
I compare it to a council with a mill rate tax. Mill rate tax is based on the investment in your property and what your property is worth. Our tax on unloading, with the price per pound.... I do lose off what I pay, so they get paid from the plant on this price per pound. But with that alone, because of the value of my enterprise, I'm paying by the revenue I have coming in. I still have my base amount there if I don't unload there. So there is a way of getting a two-pronged approach. You get it for unloading there, and you also get it even if you don't unload.