Most of us here are in the same situation, the same as Kevin and Ron; our harbours deal with the same thing. Some places are good to unload. In our location it's Witless Bay. The fish plant is there and they come in to unload in Witless Bay. You could put about $50 million in Witless Bay and you wouldn't make a safe harbour, because it's open; there's no shelter.
So they unload, and as soon as the boat is unloaded they come to Bay Bulls. It might be only two or three tonight, it could be three tomorrow night. They're not unloading. We're not getting the benefits of our tally saying that there's this much unloading in Bay Bulls, because they have previously unloaded their product in another community and then they come to Bay Bulls to tie up maybe for one or two nights and then go on. This is a transient boat. We do get small bits of berthage for them, but they are using the facility. They need the facility, like the situation in Witless Bay, but without more infrastructure we can't house them. We're tying up two and three abreast in an unsheltered area.