These range from 20 feet to 40 feet, depending on the size of the boat. Two years ago I had fifteen boats wanting to come to Bay Bulls for approximately two weeks from the mainland--it was a group of pleasure boaters--and I just couldn't. We got our fishermen together to see how we could move our boats around to fit these boats in. We tried everything. There was just no way we could fit these boats, so they didn't come. That would have brought money not only to the Bay Bulls area and St. John's area, but to other communities around the island.
They wanted that stopover. They were planning on coming somewhere across and staying on the Burin Peninsula, then going to St. Mary's Bay and then to the Bay Bulls area. Being so close to St. John's, that's a taking-off point then to be able to do St. John's and Avalon from, but then that was totally eliminated because we didn't have the space to do that.
Bay Bulls in particular gets 85,000 tourists a year to the bird sanctuary. Our three Liberal MPs were there last year and participated in the boat tour and everything. I was on the tour myself with them. That's the norm for what we get every year there.