Just as a comment, the European Community talked of these as subsidies. Without subsidies, how would the agricultural industry for flowers work in the Netherlands? If they were not eliminating ground from the deltas to prevent water from building up and the tides coming in, they would not survive. It's an economic avenue that they've been using for hundreds and thousands of years to build a country where there wasn't one.
I say yes, get subsidies. There are wharves to be built. Whether it's for fish harvesting enterprises or a truck coming off the ferry in Port aux Basques to truck lumber material to the mainland, or whatever, those are there. They'll pick and choose as they want. There is infrastructure needed, and it's not only for harvesting or fishing, whatever it is, but all countries of the world use this in different avenues. When you're building a wharf in Spain or Portugal to walk down to the local café, that is an economic subsidy. It's not being built by the person who has the café there, but they are building a structure there for economic benefit to their community, and it could be a Newfoundland tourist sitting in the café.