In 1996, when we created the Administration portuaire de Le Goulet, we had to develop a budget which included certain fees and then we presented it to the people who would eventually be using the wharf. For instance, fishermen had to pay mooring fees and lobster trap storage fees, as well as slipway fees. Other users included those who bought licences right on the wharf. However, year after year, because of the increase in costs, we had to present a slightly bigger operational budget. We are trying to get money where we can, but it is still not enough.
The Administration portuaire de Le Goulet employs a guard, a part-time wharf manager. We have a lot of expenses, but our revenues cannot keep up. As my colleague said, we had to invest a certain percentage in each project or repairs. The situation is such that even for a project of $5,000 or less, we are not turning to the small craft harbours program anymore. We do the repairs ourselves, especially those which are the most urgent.
Thank you.